Monday, December 22, 2008

Baby girl Siefert

*Girl *Siefert (long 'e' sound as in "chief") *Dad is German American and Mom is African American with Swedish and Scotch-Irish roots *We want a name that is unique but classic, not hard to spell, and doesn't have a lot a syllables (We love Emma but that name is just too common now) *K, C *Middle name will be Elizabeth or Camille, depending what works best. Please no S names (too much alliteration going on there).

First of all congrats! There are lots of good names in your realm. We are wondering if you want to reflect one heritage more than another? Let us know and we can also find more name options.
The first name that popped to mind with German roots that is similar to Emma is Gretta, though it's not a K or C name, it is fantastic. Gretta Elizabeth Siefert is beautiful and a cool nickname could be Etta.
What about Camille Elizabeth and calling her Millie? or Camilla Elizabeth and calling her Mila (pronounced mee-la) as a nickname? Camilla is the Swedish version of Camille.

Other K and C girl names that may fit your bill:

Let us know if you like any of these and we can go from there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response! The heritage thing is not really a factor. I love the names Carina and Katarina (except for the inevitable nickname "Kat"), but my husband does not. We are leaning towards Keira Elizabeth right now, but we also know this means dooming our daughter to a lifetime of having to spell both her first AND last names (something I am very used to doing). Keira is my favorite spelling, or we could go with Kira or Kiera (apparently a more common spelling and would match the "ie" in our last name). I would like to have at least one other name option but we are still stumped for one we can both agree on!